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New Year Resolutions for your Teeth!

Let's make a promise to our smiles this year!

Each year we have the pleasure to see countless patients who are not taking the proper precautions at home to protect their teeth. Before we're too deep in 2023, please correct or start these simple daily habits that can easily be completed at home to keep you smiling for a lifetime!


When patients share that they floss only once in a while, when they remember, or sometimes never - we just wish you knew the effects this could have. While brushing is important, it will never have the capability to get into the hard-to-reach grooves of your gums. This is a habit that MUST be performed daily. When you skip this step, debris can easily accumulate between your teeth which can lead to costly procedures.

Many people skip flossing due to bleeding gums. What's interesting is that a lack of flossing is what causes bleeding. Have a dentist give you a professional cleaning, and make sure you stay on top of flossing to eliminate bloody gums.


More often than not, we hear many patients share that they brush once a day. While you might feel responsible and some can even get away with this for a small period of time, it will most likely catch up later as your teeth begin to age. It's easy to brush in the morning to get rid of that funky morning breath, but understand that you have the largest amount of debris and plaque buildup at the end of the day. While sleeping we produce much less saliva which behaves as a natural bathing system for our teeth, keeping the formation of plaque undisturbed. This makes brushing before bedtime significantly more important.


On that note of saliva behaving as a natural cleaning system for teeth, make sure you are drinking enough water to produce it! A dry mouth is the perfect space for bacteria, cavities, and bad breath to flourish. Water is generally the best option out of most beverages for you to consume anyway.

This may be a more typical ne year resolution, but it will provide you with priceless benefits that the future you will be glad to have.


If you are simply waiting to feel pain before you visit the dentist, there's a strong likelihood your pain is due to an issue that could've been addressed if examined sooner.

While feeling no pain can easily be mistaken as good oral health, treatments can become more intense and expensive if you're not sticking to your routine cleanings. We all completely understand that calling out of work early or adjusting your schedule for an appointment can be a hassle -- but we promise a visit every 6 months will save you hundreds or thousands in the future.

Text or Call our staff at (610) 926-9300 to schedule your first cleaning, or to ask us any questions you may have. 🧚✨

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